A Bold and Ballsy Brand

DHB Stage


When we rebranded the DHB their new website was already in the making. The design was generic and the information architecture needed improvement.

What we did Develop a new Branding and a Look & Feel.
My Role Digital Brand DesignInformation architecture
Year 2019

DHB Overview


If we wanted to make a difference we had to be quick. We agreed to work in three one-week sprints and see what we could come up with in that time period.


I developed a look & feel bringing the new font and layout pattern to exemplary modules. Also I revised the sitemap and came up with one that has less depth and brings player and game scores up front.

DHB Player Statistic

One more thing

I’m glad we could improve some of the sites UX and design flaws. Also we heightended the visual quality a lot. I still wish we could have developed the whole site though.

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